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Auto-magically add lyrics to songs in iTunes!

You can choose either a selection of tracks, or the current track. Or turn on "Active Tagging" to get lyrics for songs as you play them.

You can also browse and edit the lyrics of your iTunes tracks right from Get Lyrical.

If you really like Get Lyrical, please consider donating:


Icon: Andrew Crusoe

Übersetzung:Kay van Haagen (NitricWare)
Traduzione:Vincenzo Boiano (VinBoiSoft)
Traducción:Israel López Fernández (RetroWip)
Traduction: Julien Weimer (World is small) et
Matti Schneider-Ghibaudo (page personnelle)

Minimum Requirements:
Mac OS Xv10.5+
© 2009 Shullian Productions, LLC
Terms of Use