
This program creates a calendar that lets you automatically email people at certain times. The following shows what becomes what in an e-mail:
  • event name -> subject
  • location -> attachment
  • attendees -> recipients
  • notes field -> message text
  • url field -> sender email
It is not necessary to click the "Send" button. Doing so will execute iCal's normal invitation system. You can close the event pane by clicking outside of it or pressing "esc".

Please note that because of a workaround I had to use for Leopard, you may receive the email being sent as well.

For best results:
  • Set the alarm to open the "iCalMail" app "0 minutes before".
  • Schedule events at least 5 minutes apart.
Attachments should be stated in the form "/Volumes/Volume Name/Folder Name/File Name" (without quotes).

It is OK if the url field starts with "http://" or is left blank.
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